Our Music Video

Our Band Website

Our Band Website
Click on the image to get to the website

Our Album Digipak- Back and Front

Our Album Digipak- Back and Front

Our Album Digipak- Middle

Our Album Digipak- Middle

Monday, 5 January 2015

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The music video, digipak and website all have the same purpose; to promote the artist.

The Band's Brand 

The branding of the artist is reflected across the music video, digipak and website. 

The lifestyle/image that our artist, Lucid City, represents, and the music video, website and digipak all work together to promote:

What kind of campaign have you constructed to both reach and appeal to your specific audience?

We studied the marketing campaign for Clean Bandit, an artist also of the electric music genre.

Music Video

We thought the success of Clean Bandit's marketing campaign was partly due to the how their different texts-the website,album cover, music video and merchandise all work together in synergy.

How our brand is portrayed over all texts

Powder paint

One way that the "festival" "party" element of the branding can be seen throughout all texts, is through the use of powder paint. Powder paint fights are becoming a popular activity at festivals thus an image associated with this lifestyle. Powder paint is incorporated in our bands' logo, as it represents the brand. The logo is present on the album cover and website. The music video also focuses on representing the "party" element of the brand as it features a powder paint fight, as well as young people having fun dancing in a room full of balloons.  

Here's how we used typography to create a style adaptable across all platforms in order to create a clear sense of branding...

The purpose of having a well designed synergistic campaign is to show and convince the target audience that the music is something that will fit in and complete their lifestyle and should listen to and buy.

Here is a video of me explaining how our website brings all the different platforms together and how we created a marketing campaign that would reach our specific target audience.

How effective is it? 

I think in theory our marketing campaign would be successful- there is a clear branding across all texts, and marketing strategies designed with a particular target audience in mind. 

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